As social distancing becomes a normal part of our lives, the act of wearing a mask has become a necessary, as well as recommended solution to slowing the spread of the coronavirus.
We’ve seen an influx of businesses putting their resources towards making masks for the general public, to help reduce the drain on medical supplies that are needed for frontline and healthcare workers. Entripy has joined in on this initiative and began making masks to help our community members protect themselves when they are in public places.
But, buying and wearing a mask is only part of the solution. To make sure you are protecting yourself, it is important to practice proper hygiene when it comes to your masks.
Below are a few guidelines that the CDC has put forth on how to properly care for your cloth face coverings:
• Cloth face coverings and masks should be routinely washed and preferably after each use of the mask
• A washing machine is a safe way to clean and sterilize your cloth face covering or mask
• After removing your face mask you should be careful not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. The best way to remove your face mask is to use the strings attached to your mask to gently pull the mask away and off your face
• Wash your hands immediately after removing your mask
Cleaning Face Masks
It’s recommended that you use a washing machine to properly clean your face mask. It is suggested to wash your mask with hot water in the washing machine and then tumble dry on high heat.
Some delicate masks may need to be hand-washed. To do this, lather your mask with soap and scrub for at least 30 seconds with warm to hot water before tossing it in the dryer or you can choose to hand dry it. If you’re still worried about remnants of germs, iron your mask on the cotton or linen setting to kill any remaining germs.
When to Clean Your Mask
Although there aren’t any hard rules on how often you should be cleaning your masks, it’s a good practice to clean your mask after each use to make sure you’re practicing proper mask hygiene. This is also an extra cautious step, as you may not know if you have been in contact with someone symptomatic.
It’s also important to remember that face masks should primarily be worn when you go to essential public places like the grocery store or pharmacies. The bets way to stay safe and protected is to stay at home as much as possible to practice effective social distancing.