It Takes a Village to Fight Hunger - Who is The Mississauga Food Bank?
Mississauga’s central food bank provides healthy food to thousands of hungry children, families and seniors each month. The Mississauga Food Bank was founded by Streetsville United Church, Solel Congregation and the Baha’I Community of Mississauga in 1986. In 1990, the food bank served approximately 18 families a day. Today The Missisauga Food Bank provides food for 2.2 million meals each year through its network of member agencies.
Hunger in Mississauga
The stats on hunger are shocking. According to The Mississauga Food Bank, 15% of Mississauga residents and 20% of Mississauga children currently live in poverty. Last year, the food bank received over 80,000 visits. “Every month, we provide food for for over 183,000 meals through 52 member agencies across Mississauga,” says Meghan Nicholls of The Mississauga Food Bank.
Who Benefits
The Mississauga Food Bank provides clients nutritionally balanced meals for 7 to 10 days including perishable and non-perishable products such as fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen meat and dairy products, juice, bread, cereal, canned fish, stew, baby formula, rice, soup and non-food items such as tooth paste and toilet paper. Clients can visit the food bank once every four weeks to re-stock. The food bank relies on the generosity of individuals, schools and groups who organize community food drives. National and local food manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers also donate food products. The food bank also purchases a portion of food to ensure the food provided is of the highest nutritional standard.

OutRUN Hunger
The Mississauga Food Bank receives funding from individuals, corporations, clubs and service groups, foundations and community events. One of their largest events is OutRUN Hunger, a 5K run/walk in May. This family-friendly event helps raise funds and awareness about hunger in Mississauga.
How Do Custom T-Shirts Help?

Custom t-shirts have helped attract local attention to The Mississauga Food Bank’s activities. “The t-shirts have raised our profile and promoted our brand at events across the city, helping us raise the food and funds needed to feed our neighbours,” says Nicholls. Custom t-shirts have the power to improve awareness of the association by attracting the attention of passersby. Entripy screen printed over 100 lime green Gildan Ultra Cotton customized t-shirts for The Mississauga Food Bank’s OutRUN Hunger event. The lime colour was key to attracting the attention of passing crowds and provided a perfect contrast to the event’s logo with colours forest green, orange and black.
Entripy also produces the standard bright green 'Volunteer' t-shirts that are spotted at all the participating events around the community. Their team photos were even great enough to win Entripy’s Snap & Share Photo Contest!
Congratulations to The Mississauga Food Bank on a successful event and great looking personalized t-shirts!