Entripy | CAMSC

Entripy is a CAMSC Certified Supplier

At Entripy, diversity and inclusion are at the core of who we are

  • We are a CAMSC Certified Supplier.
  • We are a minority owned business. Read about Jas's story here.
  • Our leadership team is ethnically diverse and more than 50% female composed.
  • Our overall staff makeup is 65% female.
  • Within our organization, we speak 23 languages across 17 nationalities.

It’s what we take pride in, and it’s important to share this with our customers.

Reach out to learn more about CAMSC and our supplier certification.

What it means to be – and to partner with – a CAMSC Certified Supplier

Working with a CAMSC Certified Supplier gives you the confidence in knowing that you’re working with a organization led by diverse leadership, further contributing to your goals of creating diverse and inclusive supply chains.

Certification through CAMSC helps businesses, like yours, identify Canadian suppliers that are Aboriginal and minority owned. In this way, CAMSC connects buyers and suppliers, so that both organizations benefit from:

Supply chain innovation
Improved employee retention
Local job creation with more diverse candidates
Brand loyalty
Increased revenues that result from a diverse and inclusive supply chain
Thriving local and national economies

Why it’s important to us to work with CAMSC

It’s simple. We believe in CAMSC’s mission.

Founded in 2004, the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC) is a not-for-profit organization that helps facilitate the growth of Aboriginal and minority owned businesses, by connecting them to procurement opportunities with companies and governments committed to a diverse and inclusive supply chain.

By 2031, one in three Canadians will be Aboriginal or a visible minority, and their economic success is essential to a thriving Canadian economy. Minorities and Aboriginal Peoples are entrepreneurial, buying and starting businesses at significantly higher rates than the Canadian average.